SacLegal is deeply troubled by and condemns recent federal executive orders and related actions targeting the LGBTQ+ community. As the LGBTQ+ Bar Association for the greater Sacramento area, SacLegal stands firmly with all of its members and allies, regardless of gender identity, expression, fluidity, and/or sexual orientation and opposes any official or unofficial policy, procedure, or practice that seeks to discriminate, harm, eliminate, or otherwise reduce the Constitutional rights and protections afforded to our community under federal or state law.
On January 20, 2025, the Trump Administration issued an Executive Order that attempts to erase the existence of transgender and nonbinary persons. The order declares a “policy of the United States to recognize two sexes, male and female,” and requires that all Federal agencies and employees “enforce laws governing sex-based rights, protections, opportunities, and accommodations” according to biological sex at birth, not gender identity.
While we recognize that this policy will face certain legal challenges, at its core, it seeks to erase an integral part of the LGBTQ+ community. This order creates barriers to travel, employment, access to healthcare, family planning, among other basic liberties and seeks to eradicate acknowledgment of our community members’ identities. Despite being in California, this Executive Order is far reaching and will have immediate, tangible, and devastating consequences to our community.
SacLegal denounces these orders and we stand firm with our transgender, nonbinary, gender non-conforming, and gender fluid community members and will continue to do so in Sacramento and beyond. LGBTQ+ rights are human rights - and to target our community in a manner that denies these rights or erases our personhood on the basis of immutable characteristics violates the spirit and letter of the law and the US Constitution. We will be vigilant in the face of efforts from both federal and state actors to rollback progress that was hard earned and fought for by the LGBTQ+ elders who came before us and ensure that our community has equal, and increased rights, for generations to come. We will stand in solidarity with the communities targeted by this Administration. We will never stop fighting for equal justice under the law.
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